About Me

Hello, and welcome to Sew Nerdy's blog.  My name is Christina, and I would like to thank you for taking the time to explore this site.  I hope that you find something in this blog that gives you inspiration, or just puts a smile on your face.

I have been around sewing ever since I can remember.  My mother was constantly sewing dresses for me and my two sisters, as well as costumes for Halloween and school plays.  At an early age, I showed an interest in sewing, and began making clothes for my dolls, which turned into clothes for myself and friends.  I received my first sewing machine as a gift from my grandparents for my 16th birthday, and my love for sewing has been evolving ever since. 

After starting a job at a fabric store, it became apparent that fabric would be my vice in life, and it takes a lot of willpower to "Just Say No!"  The store that I worked at specialized in home and upholstery fabrics, which opened my eyes to a whole new world of sewing.  Soon my apartment was filled with custom drapes, bedding, pillows, you name it.  Eventually I became the go to translator for a local upholsterer who was teaching classes at the store, and the final piece to my sewing puzzle was found.  I love upholstery! 

Now I am able to take all of my knowledge of sewing and love of upholstery, and turn it into how I make a living.  There is nothing better than working with someone to create the perfect piece that finishes their vision. 

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