DO Quit Your Day Job!

With the end of summer comes the end of my first quarter being self employed.  I did a thing that many people dream of, and many more people tell you not to do.  I quit my day job!  With my husband's encouragement and support from my friends and family, I gave up the security of a steady paycheck and benefits.  I'm not going to lie, I'm still scared that I am making a mistake, but I am so grateful that I have taken the plunge.

A few things that I have learned so far:

  • It is hard to work from home in the summer when you don't have AC.
  • It is hard to work from home when your dog is so cute that you just want to play all day.
  • It is hard to work from home when Netflix is available in the other room.
  • It is hard to work from home when you have a propensity for snacking.
  • It is hard to work from home when you like to talk, but the dog doesn't listen.
  • It is hard to work from home when you love to sleep and could really nap all day.
  • It is GREAT to work from home, because you can always take a break and pet your dog.
  • It is GREAT to work from home, because you can wear whatever floats your boat.
  • It is GREAT to work from home, because you can play hooky and go to the movies with your nieces and nephews.
  • It is GREAT to work from home, because you can work any hours you want.  Somedays it's early mornings, and somedays you want to work through the night.
  • It is GREAT to work from home, because you can listen to "My Favorite Murder" and not freak out your coworkers.
  • It is GREAT to work from home, because any achievement you make is yours to celebrate.

In the last five months I have completed more projects then in the last six years. I have recovered my fair share of dining room chairs. I have sewn together countless pillows. I have taken on projects that I didn't know what I was doing, but I figured them out. I have said yes to all of the projects. I feel like my techniques are improving, and I am getting more organized and efficient. I am proud of the work that I have accomplished so far.

There are still things that I need to get adjusted to, but I think things are coming together nicely.  With time, I hope to grow the business, and have name recognition throughout the community.  I would love to incorporate more of my painting into fun new fabric designs, and create really unique products to sell in addition to my custom work.  

Here's to another five months of self employment, wish me luck!